About Me

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Hello there from sunny Nth Qld in Australia...the luckiest country on the planet AT THE MOMENT! I'm retired and recently widowed. I love to travel . Airplane, boat, walking but mostly by means of my motorcycle. I love to garden too. I have a wee small doggie named George and an old cat named Kitty. Two years on from Tim passing we three have almost sorted out living without him. I think it will be 'almost' forever more.Can't see me being over it completely if you know what I mean. I intend to fill these blogs with my journey on my bike.Too much has happened in the space between today and my last blog. This is my last ditch effort to revive my creative writing skills.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Decisions Decisions Decisions !

Since our retirement we have talked lots about the how, when, where and why we will do 'our trip'. You know ...the one you traditionally take  after retirement. As far as I am concerned the van thing is out. It's okay if you  want to leave home for an extented period of time and maybe 'live' somewhere but hey...we already live in paradice so why would we be wanting to stay anywhere else for more than what it takes to check the place out , see the sights, taste the wine, etc? Soooo... so far,  as of today we have agreed on something that we both like. Remember I am the one who is happy with a toothbrush in one pocket and change of knickers in the other and Tim...well lets just say he likes his creature comforts (lots of them). Just as an example he likes a fishing rod and all the tackle while I am happy with a cork real and two hooks! Anyway, at last we have at least landed and idea that we both can work on. Here's the rig so far.
A medium size 4WD
A small tinnie  25hp motor (we pack camping gear in that)
The idea is to hump our swags around lots of watering holes around the country. Thats a bit of us. Like the old times in our yachts (I refuse to go there again; been there done that) only this time on land. Actually Robert was conceived in Cardwell while we  fished the Hinchinbrook Channel  in a wee small tinnie...there will be none of that this time round!!
There are no photos yet but will leave your imagination to conjour up a picture till we get the rig together. Amazing what  reading the Saturday morning Bulletin can inspire sitting on the balconey with wonderland before us.

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